Dr Stephen Simpson discusses how authors can become 'go-to experts' in this PRscribe blog for Palamedes PR

Achieving ‘Go-To Expert’ Status as an Author

Why writing helps to boost reputation and win new business

By Dr Stephen Simpson MB ChB MFOM MBA

In the second short instalment of Dr Simpson’s exclusive series of book blog posts, the international bestselling author and TEDx speaker discusses the secondary benefits of being an author and how to achieve ‘go-to expert’ status in your field.

Ask yourself this simple question. Why do I want to write this book?
Perhaps you do not. Perhaps you are just thinking about it. Perhaps you are bursting with enthusiasm to get started. Ask yourself what could be the reasons for rolling up your sleeves and creating a literary project?
Every aspiring author will have a different answer to these questions, although in my experience there are usually some common threads. It might be to make money, it might be to satisfy a lifetime ambition, it might be to spread your message to a wider audience.

Dr. Stephen Simpson is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, and Elite Performance Director. He regularly appears on TV and radio, and his clients include leading names from the diverse worlds of sport, business, the entertainment industries, and professional poker. His book, The Pyschoic Revolution, below left, earned widespread acclaim and media coverage.
ss FC The Psychoic Revolution

It is tough out there
In my previous article I mentioned that it is harder than ever in today’s market to make a significant amount of money from writing. The market is over-loaded so it is difficult to be noticed. The hours are long and there are times when most authors go through a period of stress or even depression. It is by definition a lonely career choice. So perhaps you might want to consider other possible reasons for writing your book that might keep you going during the tough times.
All of us are driven by money to some extent. There are plenty of things we do because we just love doing them, but sooner or later the bills have to be paid. I mentioned that making money from writing is very difficult. The good news is that making money by writing is much easier. How can this be?
The reason is probably to do with our inherited social behaviour. We are all influenced by many subtle factors every day that we are largely unaware of. As an example I was surprised earlier in my journey when I discovered that because I had written several books I was considered an expert in several areas.

Secondary gains of being an author
As a result of being considered an ‘expert’ I have been invited onto many radio and TV shows to talk about many different subjects. To be brutally honest I do not consider myself to be an expert in any of them, but that does not seem to matter.
In my previous article I mentioned that we are not qualified to judge our own work or abilities. The judgement of others is what matters. This is another example of the importance of ‘street credibility’.
I have made a few short blogs and videos on YouTube about bio resonance therapy and certainly do not consider myself an expert in this area either. So you can imagine my surprise when I was invited by a legal firm to be their expert witness in this area. I turned the lucrative offer down, but often wonder whether I should have accepted just to see what might happen next?

Dr. Simpson, pictured above with Paul McKenna, has appeared BBC, ITV, Sky, Voice of America, BRMB, LBC, RNIB Connect, and other top international TV and radio programmes, as well as in the pages of The Sun, Sunday People, Glamour, Golfing World, The Best You Magazine, WPT Poker, Business Matters, Small Business, and more, sharing his simple, innovative methods for building luck, and igniting peak performance.

Building your brand one brick at a time
A writer of fiction books may well receive invitations to speak at book club meetings, hold book signings, or to be an after dinner speaker. These opportunities can be a lot of fun, and you are usually guaranteed to meet like-minded people.
The same comments apply to a non-fiction author but other invitations might also drop into your lap. I have been invited to speak at many international conferences and talk other groups too.
If you are running a business your social media footprint is a vital part of your marketing and building brand recognition. A book to your name can be of enormous benefit in this area. Apart from raising awareness of your brand your Google and other search engine rankings will also be increased. This will help drive traffic to your website where you might sell other products.

“Other people will very likely consider you to be an expert in your subject, and the strange thing is that they may well be correct.”
Dr Stephen Simpson

Your story has legs
You might also be able to use your book for running training programs. Others will enjoy spreading their message and being part of an inter-active community, and being recognised as an influencer. The opportunities are endless.
There is also a final point to consider that we have already touched on. The chances are that during the writing process you have spent much time in research and in deep inward reflection. Whether you like it or not this will greatly increase the fluency and depth of knowledge in your chosen subject.
The result will be that you will have unconsciously absorbed a huge amount of information by osmosis and it will be ingrained in your hardwiring.

A surprising conclusion
Other people will very likely consider you to be an expert in your subject, and the strange thing is that they may well be correct. Do not judge yourself. Leave that to others.


Dr. Stephen Simpson is an internationally acclaimed mind coach, hypnotherapist, presenter, TEDx speaker, bestselling author, business consultant, thought leader in the connections between artificial intelligence (AI) and under-used human intelligence, and is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. For further information about Dr Stephen’s books and consultancy, visit www.drstephensimpson.com

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