Professor Michael Atar

Palamedes PR Appointed By Professor Michael Atar

Entrepreneur and scientist Professor Michael Atar appoints Palamedes

Book PR agency Palamedes has been appointed by entrepreneur, scientist, and philanthropist Professor Michael Atar

The consultancy will be working with Professor Atar to increase his media profile within the British media. 

Based in London but originally from Switzerland, Professor Atar made his name in paediatric dentistry, winning multiple awards for his pioneering research in the field and helping share his knowledge as a lecturer overseas and as a professor at New York University.

With his background and keen interest in biomedical research, he became a venture capital investor to support groundbreaking bio-med tech advancements that have the prospect of radically improving patients’ lives.

Forging a path as an investor in Silicon Valley by connecting with key figures in the space including Peter Thiel and Ajay Rayan, who funded Mithril, and Lyndsey Fishburn at Breakout Labs, Professor Atar came to be involved with exciting medical engineering start-up such as Cytovale, which uses cell mechanics and machine learning to find a more rapid way to diagnose fast progressing diseases like sepsis.

He is now a lead medical technology investor and advisor in the company, and a champion of their cause.

For all media requests, including interviews with Professor Michael Atar, contact publicist Anthony Harvison.

Professor Michael Atar 2
Entrepreneur, scientist, and philanthropist Professor Michael Atar has appointment Palamedes PR to increase his profile within the British media.

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“The Palamedes guys are bursting with brilliant ideas that translate well in the national press. This makes working with the PPR team a genuine pleasure for journalists" Daily Express