Palamedes PR Appointed By Publisher Liberty In Print

Palamedes PR is appointed by independent publisher Liberty in Print to promote non-fiction title Mass Insanity

Book PR agency Palamedes PR has been appointed by independent publisher Liberty in Print to promote its new non-fiction title, Mass Insanity.

The publishing house has the remit of “giving a voice to those with original thought and analyses that shed new light on popular, established and convenient notions”.

Its stated mission is “to provide reliable information and opinions matured by extended deliberation”.

Mass Insanity is described by the publisher as exploring “the subjects of insane communities, the clash of identities, and how societies indoctrinate their members and shape their way of thinking”.

In Mass Insanity, psychology professor Theo Alistair examines Islam and how the radical  mindset can come to be accepted within otherwise rational communities.
Mass Insanity front cover
New non-fiction title Mass Insanity by Theo Alistair, published by independent publisher Liberty in Print, is out now in paperback and hardcover.

Written by Theo Alistair, a professor of psychology who has worked in various universities across the world, Mass Insanity uses theories of social, clinical and forensic psychology to analyse the religion of Islam, covering its ideology, practices, and institutions.

Alistair’s focus is the examination of the radical mindset, and how radicalism can come to indoctrinate individuals and shape the way of thinking within communities. 

Through comparisons with religious and non-religious totalitarian ideologies, he highlights the principal psychological mechanisms behind suppression and conformity.

His book also discusses the decay of Western civilisation and the arising psychological difficulties this poses for societies.

For all media requests, including interviews with Theo Alistair, or review copies of Mass Insanity, contact publicist Anthony Harvison.

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