The publisher Liberty in Print provides Palamedes PR with a review and testimonial

Latest Book PR Testimonial – Liberty in Print

Publishing house Liberty in Print praises book PR agency Palamedes

Our latest book PR testimonial, from publishing house Liberty in Print, is now online. 

The publisher appointed Palamedes for a book PR campaign promoting non-fiction title Mass Insanity by Dr Theo Alistair, which explores “the subjects of insane communities, the clash of identities, and how societies indoctrinate their members and shape their way of thinking”.

Speaking about our work, Liberty in Print said: “Palamedes PR delivered on their guarantee by securing fantastic coverage for our latest publication, Mass Insanity by Dr Theo Alistair, and they also performed outstanding behind-the-scenes work to shape the article.

“Their service to clients is excellent, and Liberty in Print looks forward to collaborating with Palamedes again in the future.”

You can read this and hundreds of other reviews on our Praise page. We are, as ever, extremely grateful to our clients for sharing their experiences of working with us. Thank you.

Mass Insanity front cover
Publishing house Liberty in Print has praised Palamedes for a book PR campaign promoting their new title Mass Insanity by Dr Theo Alistair.

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“The Palamedes guys are bursting with brilliant ideas that translate well in the national press. This makes working with the PPR team a genuine pleasure for journalists" Daily Express