Bestselling indie author RR Haywood, a client of book PR agency Palamedes, believes a rise in the publication of AI-generated books threatens the livelihoods of legitimate authors.

Bestselling Author RR Haywood Bemoans Flood Of AI-Generated Books

More and more people are flooding Amazon with AI-generated content, author claims

Bestselling indie author RR Haywood claims that a rise in the number of AI-generated books threatens the long-term livelihoods of legitimate writers.

According to Mr Haywood, a client of book PR agency Palamedes, Amazon’s publishing platform, KDP, is being flooded by AI-generated books, causing delays in the publication process.

The acclaimed Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Amazon, and Audible bestselling author says this has affected his release schedule for the latest installments in his hugely popular The Undead series.

In an exclusive thought-leader article A Flood Of AI-Generated Books Threatens To Drown Legitimate Authors, he says that action urgently needs to be taken to protect legitimate authors and other creatives from ultimately being drowned out by AI-assisted “hustlers”.

A tiered publishing system on KDP, which is free to use, with authors paying a premium to fast-track their books could work to solve the issue, he suggests.

But in the long term, he says that the Government and businesses will need to step in and protect creatives by enforcing clear labelling between original and AI-generated works.

Bestselling self-published author RR Haywood enjoys UK news coverage.
Bestselling indie author RR Haywood claims that a flood of AI-generated books is impacting legitimate authors and needs to be dealt with to protect their livelihoods.

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